so i did my first tarot reading....and it's not at least to me what typically people think when they think of tarot...reading the future and what not...i don't know if there is spirit work or divine powers in motion that makes it work (tho i will ask for guidance no matter what) so anyway basically my big problem was i was trying to understand what the cards are and what they mean without doing anything but looking at the card......YOU JUST CAN'T!!! you can say whats going on in the picture and what it might mean to you but that don't tell you i ask a question, mix the deck as i keep asking the question.....and then it starts to come together as i do one card after the next.....and depending on the spread i'm going i might only use one card or even up to 20 cards and each card meaning something different for your question........the one i did had a card that you pick out ahead of time the represents yourself at this time and moment.....then when you start turning over the cards .....card #2 represents past experiences. card #3 represents opportunity for growth card #4 represents future possibilities card #5 represents overall comment and card #6 was a optional arcana card which completes it if it doesn't feel fulfilled.......which mine at the end was the star......which represent hope....interesting.....but anyway i like this...due to the way our brains work as humans we have egos and with the tarot to fully understand what the cards mean we have to let our ego go.....and granted basically (tho i could be wrong since i just started) it's almost like looking into something way too can get meaning out of anything just about if you study it long in a sense it might be something just stupid works with how the brain works and gets creative but the point makes you think about stuff that you never thought about without the tarot and in my book gives it a thumbs up and i'll be sure to use it.......and maybe as i get better at reading the cards because trust me it took me about an hour and half to go thru the spread my readings will become clearer.....because yes since this was my first reading i'm still wondering if i read them correctly but i have always and will always go with my intuition
The Starcaster Chronicles 14.15
2 days ago