Wow 4 subscribers!!! I'm impressed...i had a total of 6 before but some people have only been subscribed for a day and unsubscribed....don't know what the point of that is...but I'm going to post a video up tomorrow. Sorry for the lack of videos I've just been actually kind of busy. But i just want to say thanks......tho I'm sure i know who the 4 subscribers....I've had 2 for a long time, At least i hope those are the people who i think are would make me feel very good :D
interesting....apparently i have to post up to 200 characters which is weird since i can have a video posted and not have a problem but this way it just doesn't work.....then again i do normally use windows live writer (windows blog program)
Ok sorry but the sound is not synced with the took around 12 hrs to encode and i'm not going to do it again.
so i got the newest Hellsing dvd last friday with my paycheck and all i have to say is it kicks ass...this series is sooo much better then the first one they put out..same story (tho next dvd it's going to change to follow the anime) but these are going straight to dvd in japan instead of going on tv that way they can get away with alot more stuff......gore being a big one because this version is so amazing. anyway check out the AMV that i found on youtube.