Alright few more updates for this site.....mainly i added my imeem account playlist on here since imeem is alot better because i can mooch off of other peoples uploaded songs instead of uploading song after song and taking forever so yeah pretty damn cool
well i'm also going to be downgrading my camera i am going to be getting for a couple of being pay and me being impatient but also the one i was going to get had a widescreen's just going to be me in the frame and also i don't think most websites adjust the settings for the aspect ratio they just stay a square no matter what....i looked online for sample video of what the new cam i'm going to get looks like and it's got a good picture...tho some peoples sound is off from there voice tho that might just be old computer or maybe they are sitting to far away and the mic aint picking it up until it's a little late which makes for the delay....but the people that do have it nicely working it's very very's not high def either but i'm thinking that is just stupid right now because with most computers unless you have a brand new one you won't be able to get it to that nice of a pic anyway without it being all choppy as i think this will do just fine anyway heres is the cam i am going to get now
The Starcaster Chronicles 14.15
2 days ago