well i'm not sure if this is going to be the title of the FIRST thing i put up for people to listen too but this title was inspired (as well as the lyics) by someone who i hold very special to me and hope that one day she may wake up and become a women. but sadly she hasn't reached that time in her life.
anyway the title is called "EGO WHORE" (lol thats even almost tempting for the name of my project). So i must thank her for that...because i really didn't know what to actually really write about.....frankly i was just going to worry about the music first then later down the road slap in some lyrics so songs.
now i do have another song that has already been written along time ago but i'm not sure if it will go well with industrial like music....it's titled "bully" i know some people know about that song...then i wish i still had that one i wrote about my ex.....even though i have nothing against her anymore...it was still SOMETHING.
and this is also why you should never date a musician...they need drama to write about...so they will purposely create it in there life.....i'm not anything as of right now but if really get into this..damn straight i'll want to get writing inspiration somehow by making my own drama.
The Starcaster Chronicles 14.15
2 days ago