well if everything goes to plan this coming paycheck i'm going to be ordering my stuff to start recreating music. I'm getting overtime this week and last week i almost reached 40hrs so basically i'm going to set $400 side...i owe $100 to my mom, $100 to my brother, and then i'm guestimateing about $100 to $150 for gas for the next 2 weeks, and then i need to get my oil changed BADLY!!!
but after that it's time to shop...I'm going with american musical for my stuff...because well i want my stuff NOW!!! and american musical has this nice little paying program where they don't do a credit check...they just allow you to use a credit card (debitcard) and pay for shipping up fron and then they cut the price into 3's so when you order it you pay shipping and the first part then 2 months later it's paid in full...and with musical equipment that is A MUST!!! but anyway here is what i'm purchasing to start out with.....more definitely to come down the road. because even if i'm never good at this shit it will still be fun to experiment with it...as of right now i'm trying to go cheap as possable to all my stuff is going to be midi for right now.....down the road i'll actually get real hardware so i can play live without the need of a computer.
so first is the M-Audio Axiom 49
(I'm still trying to figure out how he triggers the beat in the song...i see him turn it off but it seems to turn on bye it's self...got me)
Then the other thing i'm getting is the Korg PadKontrol. for a couple reason...it will be a great drum machine/sampler....plus for starting out and not knowing how to really place a keyboard i think this thing will get me started pretty easy because you can set the pads to be a complete scale for any instrument...meaning i can set up a scale and play whatever i want and it will sound good and not like i don't know shit....this video doesn't really show the full power of it...but it was the most fun i seen...most were tutorials on how to do stuff.
I'm also going to get a keyboard stand obviously...and until i can figure out what to do as far as a stand for the Korg padkontrol that is prolly going to just sit on my desk....something tells me i'll have to figure out where to move a alot of stuff on my desk.
The Starcaster Chronicles 14.15
2 days ago