OK it's 12:30 and I'm wide awake...like always. so I haven't really written alot of bitching blogs or blogs at all really. which I guess that's a good thing...it means I'm happy and I don't feel like I need to vent my feelings....it also shows that I'm not bored (except for right now) but since I'm bored I figure I would get people updated on my life right now.
Ok my life working out......I'm pathetic and out of shape to the core....I remember prolly even back in high school I could do 50 pushups no problem (yeah I know that still isn't much...but for someone how never worked out..not too bad).....well since I've started to work recently I realized how much I let life get to me and get me dragged down....I started with only 10 that I could do......I'm up to 20 now.....if I can get up to 100 per day I think I would be pretty damn happy........and tho I haven't counted I'm prolly up to 40 or 50 crunches....300 and I'd be super stoked about that.......I don't think I will ever do actual sit-ups tho since I do feel they are bad for your neck and back. but yeah so far I'm on a strong start...I've actually wanted to do it which is weird normally I have to be with a friend talking about it and you know do that lets do it and shake and all that shit......and a week later........we've given up.
Also I'm very happy with my comments on my pictures and thank everyone who has commented me on them. I can't wait to get a better camera......then I might be able to actually get some decent pics......since most of my subjects run away with how close I have to get to them in order take a dang picture. so SOMEONE NEEDS TO BUY MY PAINTBALL GUN!!!!! I'm actually quite excited to get this camera.
and sorry people about not making a video in some time.......I've been quite lazy about it and I've been really happy so I kind of put it on the back burner but my idea is still in my head and it will be put into a video when the mood really strikes me.
Blessings all