so whats up in the world of Jon you might ask?
Well for starters i've been getting alot of hours at my job which is good. been kicking ass on orange box (almost done HL2 then i think i want to move on to portal and check that out...then ep1 and then ep 2....and maybe teamfortress 2 some where in between). also my brother and I are going to be starting up a business. were going to first start off online. basically he does the business side i take care of the technical side (website, graphics etc etc) also i will be sending out the orders since for one if this business gets big enough i'll just quit Hot Topic and me working retail i have the hrs to work on shit and send out shipments where my brother really only has 1 in the end as of right now i will be getting half the income that we earn. tho i'm still not sure how exactly were going to be doing this...i say we start off small (even if it does drive some companies's a start) and open up a little ebay store. you can't do a whole lot with that as far as customizeing the site......but it's a start. my brother just got approved for his PA sales tax number and all that jazz to make himself able to legally sell stuff in PA. we already have a whole bunch of people that contacted us about selling there stuff that my brother contacted and basically they said you need the paper work before we can start doing business and then a few of the higher end companies want actual store fronts so there out of the question for now...tho i still think we can find a middle man to sell them at a cheaper price so we can sell the stuff and still make a small profit. But yeah as of right now i'm going to keep what were going to sell tight.......because i would feel like a douche if we never got up and running......but my brother is good with determination (with money) and if he has a chance to make the buck he will get in time i think it will take off....and i'll be able to live a little. and then i'll prolly take photography as a full time hobby.
Janurary 26, 2008 I'll be taking my lvl 1 Reiki training...which i hope that will take me to other places in my life....and be able to network with like minded people so i can prusue my dreams and make them a one biggest one is to take Christopher Panczak courses in New Hampshire but for that i will need to move up there for a little while. but i think it is something i really need to do....but yeah the hard thing tho (if i don't start putting some stuff off to the side right now) the Reiki classes start at $100 and then go up $100 each lvl (there are 4 lvls) so basically i'll be putting in $1000 by the time i'm done but then i can be a Reiki master and teach other people.....for profit...granted by profit it can be my mom wanted to teach me but with both of us being where we are in life it just isn't going to happen for awhile. but she said i could pay her with a cookie.....but it's just the method of giving and taking. and you can't get it for free you have to give something back to that that could be another future thing for me......teach people and at $1000 for each person i teach and in a group....that is some nice money......will it make a living no....but reiki will lead me into other things too
if anyone wants to know exactly what Reiki is then go to this site
but this is the Form of Reiki i will be taking
anyway it's always going to be a struggle every day but i feel my life is slowly opening up to what i'm meant to be doing....what is the final vision...i don't know but i think being a good person and doing things my way and not the way that society wants is finally going to pay off...and i hope to meet someone special along that way...or someone that i have already met sees me in a new light.
and i hope everyone that knows me has nothing but good feelings and vibes coming my way
In love and light
& blessed be
The Starcaster Chronicles 14.15
2 days ago