I really don't know why i'm posting this but whatever....i'm feeling sexy and confident and my life is finally planned and i'm going to it and nothing is going to stop me....YOU HEAR ME WORLD...FUCK YOU, YOUR NOT STOPPING ME AND HOLDING ME BACK THIS TIME.
see i've been even thinking about well if i can't find a place to stay that i can afford what i'll do is...there is laundry mats in every town...so thats my clothes taken care of. then i can get a po box there is my mail taken care of...then i can join a gym or something and throw like $500 down so that will cover staying fit and showers......so boom i stay clean and smell good but i can still live in my car if i have too.....this is what i want to do and nothing and i mean nothing is going to fuckin stop me...it's only a year long course...if i so have to rough it i will.....plus i'll have my lovely mac computer to keep me company....booya!!! when i get that thing i think i might actually cry because i really could never see myself actually getting a laptop let alone a macbook pro (which starts out at $1999).
oh and for all you people that read this and i haven't mentioned it to you....my future plans are as follows...get my GED by the end of the year (NO MATTER WHAT). Then in 2009 is the goal get the finacial aid i need to pay for my tuition into Full Sail University and i'm going to get my Associates degree in Recording arts....where i'm going to go from there i'm not entirly sure just because there is sooo many paths you can take...for my personal gain i just want to learn how to mix and master my music.....but for my professional gain...i don't know i'd like to be a producer but then again i could be a sound FX guy......basically going around recording shit and combining them to make a certain sound for like a monster or whatever the case may be for games or movies....i don't know alot to think about.
The Starcaster Chronicles 14.16
7 hours ago