so since i actually got paid this friday I actually was able to purchase for my treat i purchased a sake set (sake bottle and 2 sake cups) because i wanted to try warm sake and the easiest way it to get one of these bottles and put some water on the stove and but it on med...just enough to warm but not boil the water..then just put the bottle in the water with the sake in it. i definately like it alot better then takes the edge off and you can taste the flavor better...but on my break at work i had sushi for my was yummy.
last night was fun too. i went out with a few people after work and had a few drinks ( i had 2 pints of lager and a shot of jager) but we had a lady along with us and yeah....we had to carry her out (which was a first for me) most people that i've ever been with know there limit...well not too long ago like a year and a half ago i went over to someones house...but didn't have my car so it was one of those i had to kinda just went along with everything.....but i had an empty stomach when i had drunk (but i really was hungary and wanted something to eat badly) well i started i normally do...whoops i fucked up (never drank with an empty stomach before) so yeah i threw up in no time. but yeah last night (or the night before now), i really needed that. since well i haven't actually went out since i got down here, and i had a really good time.
The Starcaster Chronicles 14.15
3 days ago