so yesterday was my first day picking up apps. so i picked up apps for typical spots for right now.....i went to the mall re-applied at fuckin hot topic...err....then waldens books and spencers....that was all i could apply for since everyone else was online apps only. well just within today i got an interview for spencers and also i went to bed bath and beyond (my mom works there too...along with a few other places) and apparently they need someone in manegment so i went there today filled out the app took a survey and they said they will get back to me friday about a real interview i believe with the store that would be sweet if i could get that right off the least until i can find a non social job.....i don't particulary like people. I also picked up a panera bread app and i guess for the most part if none of these work out i'll be pushing up fast a week i'll give it then i'm going to fast food.
The Starcaster Chronicles 14.15
2 days ago