SO with the $200 price drop in the iphone there is no doubt in my mind that i will get one. But with the iphone because of options with alot of stuff on the iphone there becomes problems and one of my main problems is E-mail. so far only apparently yahoo's e-mail has push mail for the iphone. Well until i get my phone this isn't tested but there is a program called emoze that can push my gmail account apprently with a downloadable app. also apprently AOL's e-mail service is IMAP compatatable (what you need to push your e-mail). so when i get my e-mail i have 2 choices but since the emoze is a download package i can't really tell if or how that will work....but i can set up my aol account. They have an option to make your own domain (even tho i think it is basically a forwarding system) but i set up my e-mail to be so when i get my phone it will be pretty snazzy (even tho every e-mail says sent with my iphone at the bottom of every e-mail it's still kind of cool that i got my jons iphone domain. so yeah and so far it is suprisingly a nice interface on the web too....tho i don't know my excitement might die later. it's just that it's new but i'm sure it will wear off and i'll still like gmail i just need to figure out how to foward at least my gmail account over to that one so when people still send me stuff it gets to me.
anyway thats all i have for now.
The Starcaster Chronicles 14.15
2 days ago