Even though i haven't heard from her but in all honestly i do hope that down the road when she is willing to learn how love is supposed to work that maybe she will get back in touch with me. but i thought i'd share this since i'm assuming in her eyes i prolly never loved her etc etc. i was digging into my stuff yesterday and found something that (despite how much i feel like i've been tossed aside in my eyes) means alot to me. it's something small most people wouldn't care about it. but when i first met her she only wrote down one thing for me (i think i had just put her number into my phone as she gave me that) but i was starting to get into industrial a little more and asked what are some good bands along with getting her myspace address. so she had written all that down on a piece of paper from where she worked. I saved that paper even when we were on not talking terms...why? why else would i hold onto something that to the normal person that didn't care about someone. well it's because i loved that person and she did mean the world to me. in the long run i hope she sees what has happened and hopefully she learns from it and makes someone truly happy....i made that request also to my ex and she I feel did learn alot with us and is now happily married...so i can only hope the same goes for Sarah.
so i was looking around on Twitter trying to find people i may know and all the sudden i had the idea to look up Katie/Kate (ex suicide girl / and now Gods Girl). shes prolly my favorite (though a little on the messed up side check out her cupcake girls dvd...not for the faint of heart) girl out of both those sites so i do a quick search since i found out her name a long time ago so i do a quick search on google real quick to see if i did remember it correctly...and this photo pops up.
i think i'm going to go cry in a corner now.
but seriously i really don't care but i never thought i'd see a pair like that hanging out....lucky basterd (and i'm talking about pete not kate...she definately is not lucky IMHO